301 Iberian Way
Sandpoint, ID 83864
[email protected]

Condo Del Sol Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting Proxy Form

This year the annual meeting will be held by Zoom. There are 2 purposes for this proxy: 1) establishing a quorum, and  2) expanding your voting rights.


  • Quorum – is the minimum number of members needed to legally conduct business
  • Proxy – establishes a quorum and/or gives permission for another condo owner to vote on your behalf, thereby establishing a quorum.
  • Absentee Ballot – enables the homeowner to cast their own vote even if unable to attend the meeting. Must be accompanied by a proxy with BOX A checked (for quorum purposes only).

For All Owners: Voting Options

  • Attend the zoom meeting and vote during the meeting.
  • Electronically fill out an absentee ballot and hit “submit”. You will vote for directors and to approve/not approve the 2020 budget as presented on the condo website. An absentee ballot is on the website or in your email.
  • Fill in Option B and assign another owner/or agent to vote for you. (You may turn in an absentee ballot even if you plan on attending the zoom meeting. If you attend the Meeting & want to change your vote at the meeting, you may request your ballot be canceled and re-vote.)

For All Owners: Who should fill out this proxy?

  • If you will not be attending the meeting and DO NOT WANT TO VOTE OR HAVE SOMEONE VOTE ON YOUR BEHALF you must fill out this form and check BOX A to help establish a quorum so a board can be elected by the rest of the homeowners.
  • If you vote ABSENTEE AND WILL NOT be attending the zoom meeting, you MUST fill out this proxy form and checkbox A. (your absentee vote DOES NOT ESTABLISH A QUORUM WITHOUT THIS PROXY)
  • If you want to assign your right to vote to another person and help establish a QUORUM, you must fill out this form, and CHECKBOX B PLUS fill in the name of the person you are assigning your proxy to.

For All Owners:

If you do not know if you will be attending the meeting by ZOOM, please fill out this proxy and choose Option A at the very least. This will help establish a quorum. If you have filled out a proxy and are present at roll call in the Zoom meeting, your proxy will be discarded. (no matter which box you marked).

If Option B selected, name of the person you are appointing to vote on your behalf:  

We encourage you to inform your named proxy holder on how to vote for you on the board directors and budget Approval/disapproval. Be advised that you may provide written instruction on a proxy regarding how you wish the proxy holder to vote on each item. By directing your proxy holder in writing on your proxy they are legally bound to vote as the owner directs.

                    This proxy is only valid for the Annual Meeting to be held on August 20th, 2020

FOR THIS PROXY TO BE VALID the proxy giver must provide the date, his/her printed name, signature, and Unit number along with the completed selection of proxy type (A or B).  This proxy must be delivered to the Association’s secretary no later than the day prior to the annual meeting. It can be delivered electronically to the association email: [email protected]              

All proxies and ballots will be separated prior to counting to assure privacy. Submitted proxies and ballots will remain under the sole control of the Secretary. Those attending the Zoom meeting will have the option of retrieving their proxy and/or ballot and vote on Zoom.

Printed Name:  

Condo Number:  


Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signature Certificate
lock iconUnique Document ID: 363425d4fa17b0f5d7c0a652e8abf2b3f744e3a1
Timestamp Audit
June 15, 2020 2:29 pm PDTCONDO DEL SOL HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION UNIT OWNER’S PROXY – 2020 MEETING Uploaded by Scott Kindred - [email protected] IP
June 17, 2021 1:37 pm PDT Document owner [email protected] has handed over this document to [email protected] 2021-06-17 13:37:45 -