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March 13, 2023 by Zoom

Meeting called to order at 4:04pm

Attendees: Mike Riach-president, Colleen Daleabout-Treasurer, Laura DeLand-VP, Jennifer Johnson-secty,

Sydney McNeal, Chris Bradley. Absent: Taran White

Zoom voting: Mike polled all board members for their approval to vote via zoom

Reviewed decision by the board from the March 1 meeting regarding a test AC for owners to view and discuss as a potential solution to the AC dilemma. It was decided that instead of putting a live AC in one unit and potentially having to have it removed if homeowners don’t approve a bylaw change, we would install a “mock” unit to achieve a visual impact of an exterior AC unit. Once we have the mock unit set up, the AC committee would write up a potential by-law change to be sent to the attorney for the correct legal language. We can then send the by-law change to all owners via email with a ballot for voting for/against the exterior portion of the AC.

Limited Common Areas (specifically decks): discussed clarifying ownership of limited common areas and the financial responsibility for maintenance and repairs to those areas. Between the declarations and by-laws, there is much confusion and we need to make it easy to understand and more concise. We don’t know yet if this will require a by-law change or if we are allowed to do a language clarification. We also need language clarification as to who owns the pipes and electrical within the walls. This is important when homeowners do a major remodel and re-route plumbing and electrical. Once a homeowner modifies building components within the wall, responsibility for that area becomes sketchy.

Seek a recommendation of a licensed plumber as to what we should do about the piping under the units to permanently solve the ongoing plumbing breaks during the winter.

Summary of potential by-law changes:

  • By-law change to allow an exterior unit for AC
  • Clarify ownership of plumbing and electrical within the walls
  • Change the by-laws to say that if equipment (pipes and electrical) servicing one unit damages another unit, then responsibility for all damage lies with offending unit.

Reviewed: Bill to 131 for the unreported plumbing flood in December of 2022.

Adjourned to executive session at 4:54pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Johnson, Secretary