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July 6, 2024, at 10:05 a.m.

  1. Call to Order: 10:05 a.m.
  2. Board Member Attendees: Keith Bryant (President), Ted Hanbury (VP), Colleen Dalebout (Treasurer), Sydney McNeal (Secretary), Don Bell, Peggy Peterson, Christy Nauta
  3. Designation of Director Positions:
    1. Keith Bryant – President
    2. Ted Hanbury – Vice President
    3. Colleen Dalebout – Treasurer
    4. Sydney McNeal – Secretary
  4. Plan for Additional Special Meeting in July:
    1. Would prefer this meeting to be in-person
    2. Topics of discussion:
      1. Deck repair program – logistics, funding and kickoff.
      2. Management organization structure – Property Manager replacement and/or potential review of property management company.
      3. Review of updated Idaho HOA regulations.
  5. Annual Meeting Follow Up:
    1. Gate Height: Did not take a hand raise poll at the meeting on whether to spend $2,000 to lower the front gate before we automate and finalize. All in favor of leaving as-is. Note: Colleen requested we re-review our camera situation and implement more in areas where we have gaps (like the marina).
    2. Owner Communication: Sydney will send out communication to owners on 7/8/24 with the results of the BOD election, designated positions, and final deck report.
    3. 2023 Financials: Still need to be disseminated to owners.
    4. Reserve Account: There was a request to provide details on the reserve account balance over the past couple of years.
    5. Fining Owners for Violations: Discussion at meeting that we cannot fine owners for violations unless they are in our House Rules. Will check with attorney.
    6. Meeting Minutes: Request to get Meeting Minutes from Annual Meeting out ASAP.
  6. Owner Complaint Follow Up:
    1. Complaint regarding a “flop house”. To our understanding, the owner of a condo has rented it out to a local businessman who uses it as employee housing. Two issues: we do not allow subletting, and our bylaws state that a single family should inhabit a condo. Not multiple. Peggy to follow up with owner.

Board meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m.