November 4, 2019

Board Members Present: Carol Waldenberg, President; Kerry Beasley, VP; Laura Deland, Treasurer; Jennifer Johnson, Secretary; Joe Plizga, John Sherrick, Mike Riach (by phone).

Others present: Scott Kindred, Manager; Marianne Bachus, Accountant/Owner

Call to Order: The president called the meeting to order at 2:18pm.

President reviewed the meeting’s agenda

Managers Report: Things accomplished

*All the beds are clean and winterized

*N Pool- beds are cleaned and need to decide what to do with the landscape around it. Addressed in the spring.

*S Pool-beds are done, barrier is down and the rock is in place.

*Water spigots are shut down.

*Vapor barriers are complete in 5 of the 9 buildings

*Vents for under buildings are closed but still leak due to age. Scott placed cling wrap over them to further restrict the air from entering. If owners see the cling wrap, please leave it in place. The vents will have to go on the maintenance list to be replaced sometime next year.

*Scott took out the irrigation pump, cleaned it, winterized it and stored it.

*Hooked up with a landscaping company-On Track- for spring. Scott interviewed 20 vendors and arranged with this company to handle all landscaping next year. They also did all our winter bed clean up this fall. Next year they will mow twice a week, prune everything, clean all the beds, edge, do sprinklers, trimming trees, etc. They will charge 20,600 from April to the end of the season. It cost us almost $45,000 to do it in house last year so this represents a significant savings to the owners. The owners of the company live nearby and they hire mostly veterans. They are insured and have great references. They are also handling our snow removal this winter. They will also apply de-ice at their cost.

*Final outcome of the big windstorm. We ended up with about $11,000 in damages that cost us $1500. Insurance covered all but our deductible. Roofs were damaged, gutters were damaged, tree damage, tree hit a building, the gazebo blew away in little pieces, new roof on storage buildings, gutters got cleaned also, drainpipes were damaged, etc.

*Standing water under 130. Scott pumped it out and searched for a leak and couldn’t find it. Plumber looked at it and couldn’t find a source either. Hasn’t come back. #142 had water in the crawl space. Has a leak in the foundation. Scott will dig it our and repair the crack with a special sealant. #150 had an outside spigot running. No leaks were found. Will keep a watch on it. Not sure if someone turned it on and didn’t turn it off.

Things on Scott’s list that still need to be completed:

*Vapor barriers still need to be installed in 4 buildings.

*Foam insulation spray will be done after the vapor barriers are completed.

*Parking lot will be re-done (under warranty) in the spring when the weather is conducive. On days it was scheduled in the fall, the weather repeatedly stopped it.

*Moss on roofs. Didn’t get it off but it was cleaned out of the gutters.

*Storage units need to be painted and the stairs also.

*In line thermostats for the heaters under the building still need to be installed. The man who was helping Scott with that hadn’t been able to free up his schedule at that point. Scott is still hoping to get it done before winter. Until they are in, the heaters have to be turned on/off manually which means the heaters run longer than they would if on a thermostat. It takes ½ hour per building to do the manual on/off.

*Pools-new guy came out to winterize the pools and saved us $2000 over our previous vendor. Scott is trying to get a bid from him to do all the pool work next summer to see if it would save us money overall. He’s the guy who has someone who will put the keypad locks on the pool gates.

*Seawall. Will continue in future meetings to finalize a decision on the direction we’ll go with seawall fix.

*Roof replacement- we have 4 years left on the roofs. Board will have to decide on whether we go with metal or asphalt. Scott suggested that we set up a roof sub-section in our budget so we can set aside the funds in anticipation of replacement costs.

*Storage buildings that weren’t damaged in the windstorm have to have new roofs.

*Scotts big goals moving forward are to get away from the landscape in-house, and to have a maintenance plan so issues/projects are addressed promptly and are not put off.

Financial Report

*Marianne is setting up the budget in such a way as to put the expenses into the months in which they are incurred. For example the pool expenses will be placed into the summer months rather than divided out over 12 months.

Our goal is to limit any HOA dues increases for 2020 to just the amount that has been added as a result of the Ting bill. Ting is $33.00 /month/unit. The quarterly increase is $99.

Budget: Please see the separate budget summary.

Reserve Account is approximately $250,000. We are looking at taking any “extra” non-allocated funds and placing them into sub-accounts for roof replacement and seawall. Discussed what banks are looking for in reserve accounts in order to finance property sales. Currently, the state of Idaho has no law that requires a set amount of reserves. But we are functioning as if there is a requirement.

Marianne and Scott will have the 2020 budget to the board by the first of December. We will approve it via email and Scott will then be able to send out the statements for the first quarter of 2020.


Dryer Vents

*Condos will have someone come out and inspect and clean the dryer vents. Those units whose vents need to be cleaned will be billed for the cleaning on the next assessment after the cleaning.

Those units that have ventless dryers or whose vents don’t need anything done, will not be billed.

Doors and Locks

*Board has approved a standard pre-hung and pre-drilled door with a keypad Schlage deadbolt lock.

*See condo manager for the approved door and lock and color. There will be a form in the office detailing the approved door, lock, paint color, and lock installer. Application must be filled out and signed by both the manager and homeowner.

*Screen/storm doors will be the homeowners choice as to style but must be in the board approved color of bronze.

Grady Lawsuit

*The HOA received a check for the amount of the judgment ordered by the courts. The payment was missing the interest that had accrued. The board will discuss options at the next board meeting.The court ordered restoration of the damaged landscape and removal of exterior wiring has not been satisfied.

*Discussion about what to do regarding requesting money back on our attorney’s fees. Will make a decision at the January 2020 meeting.

Next Board meeting will be on Monday January 13 at 1:00pm.

Meeting adjourned 4:20 pm

Respectfully Submitted

Jennifer Johnson, Secretary